Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Since Then

This should catch everyone up as far as relevant pictures since the last post until the present time. I also wanted to take this opportunity to let everyone (and my future self) know what Timothy is doing these days.

He's an absolute doll. He's starting to talk. He says several words. His favorite is "dowwwn." That one is pretty versatile. His "no" has gotten much more polite. He just shakes his head and says, "No," in a really pleasant voice if you ask him if he wants something and he doesn't. Probably the cutest word he says is "Keekee" which is, of course, the word "cookie," but it's come to be used for everything from cinnamon rolls to candy bars. And it's precious to hear him pronounce the word and get sooo excited at the prospect of eating a keekee.

He's beginning to hold his own with Paul, and they seem to be just barely starting to occasionally play together to their mutual enjoyment. Every now and then.

One of the cutest things he's doing these days is totally loving camera time. You put a camera in his beak, and the kid cheeses it UP A STORM. "Timothy, smile!" "Eeeeeeee!" and he scrunches up his little face. It's adorable.

He's semi-obsessed with the fact that his feet stink. Or at least that we act like they do. Now almost every time I change him, he'll hold his legs up in the air and say, "Bee" or "Beet" trying to get me to sniff and say "Pew." F's and T's are not quite there yet. Hence, "Bee" for feet or teeth.

He loves helping with the laundry. I've got to get a picture. He's meticulous about stuff going in the basket, but lately, he's realized that it's extremely helpful for him to take stuff out of the laundry basket and put it directly in the dryer. So, I have to be careful starting the dryer that I don't leave dirty clothes in there. Sometimes I'll get stuff out of the washer and let him put it in the dryer. Once he has everything, he carefully closes the dryer door so we can start it up. He does similar things with the dishwasher. Lots of times I'll be loading or unloading dishes, and he'll come up, shove the rack back, and shut the dishwasher like, "How does this thing keep getting left open."

Anyway, here are the pictures.

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