Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Real Question Is . . .

. . . Did he mean to say it? I acknowledge freely that that is precisely what he said. Too precisely, if you ask me. That seems to be the real downfall. But I'll keep my opinions to myself and let the audience decide. In another post, I'll show you the Fathers Day pancake that prompted my retrieving the camera in the first place, but all in all, this was probably the biggest fluke that has ever taken place where I'm concerned. Here's what had to happen: 1) He said it 2) He said it after I did 3) He said it while eating it 4) (and this is obviously the biggest "no way" involved) He said it while we were rolling the camera DURING breakfast ON a Sunday. Do we ever just go, "Hey let's get some footage of Paul stuffing his face just for fun. It's Sunday morning, and we all have to be walking out the door by 8:50. We've got time. Let's do it."? No. We don't. Until today, I would have said we never would. Hence. Biggest fluke of my lifetime.

And, dear readership, I realize that it's too perfect. I understand that we have nothing but our sterling reputation for utmost honesty in the past to offer as proof that what takes place on this video is an exact representation of what actually took place. We have neither the means nor the know-how to alter the contents of digital video. We're asking you to trust us. This is genuine.

Kindly do us the favor of submitting your input on the poll. And thank you. We knew we could count on you to take our word for it.

1 comment:

April said...

The only reason I chose that Paul was copying you is because he needs to say it on his own accord. He definitely said Banana, but his first word technically has to be of his own accord. But, because you are the parents, you get to decide what you want it to be. Either way, it is still cute and you caught it on video.