Thursday, October 23, 2008

Paul's Words

Well, I hear people say that they do this when their kid is learning to talk, so I'll try. But it's really hard because he'll probably pop out with a new one here this afternoon. His passive vocabulary is quite large, and his lingual capabilities are developing so rapidly, that I think that any compilation of active vocabulary words is incomplete at best.

Here's what we've got so far that he says on his own:
ball, ball, and more balls
bi-per (diaper)
na-nai (night-night)
bye-bye (occasionally, "Bye-bye, buhbuh" for "Bye-bye, bullies" in one of his books)
nanana (which is obviously "banana")

Here's what we've gotten him to say (I think):
Mm-mama (for those of you who haven't already heard, this is a very clear "Grandmama")
Laura (Sorry, Toots. I tried.)

I'll add more as I think of them.
(as of 10/24/08) Tooh (There. How's that?)

Paul also has taken up the kazoo. If I play "Zacheus," he starts clapping on the third note. Then he'll grab the instrument and really make a very fine pitch variation, in my opinion.

He loves his cowboy boots. A lot.
He knows where stuff is. If I say, "Let's play with your blocks," he finds them.
He enjoys having his teeth brushed.
He's getting some molars.
Corn is his favorite vegetable.
He still loves whipped cream.
And, this is bad, isn't it. He's a big fan of sweet tea. I don't give it to him much, though.

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