Friday, May 30, 2008

Quiet is a Bad Sign

You know where this is going. So I had already taken the box of wipes away from Paul once today. He had a really hard time getting the lid open, but I thought I should be careful anyway. Turns out I was right. I put the box of wipes away in his room, but when I changed him, he knocked it off our little changing station, and I paid no attention. I went to take care of the old diaper and a couple other things. It did cross my mind that he must have found something new to hold his attention since he wasn't following me into the laundry room, his favorite place of all. . . besides the refrigerator, that is. Anyway, as I smiled to myself about how it's kind of nice that Paul is able to entertain himself more and more, I walked back to his room to see just which of his toys had captured his interest at this particular moment. Toys, schmoys.

Getting the camera probably wasn't the best way to teach him that his behavior was unacceptable, but can you blame me?

Trip to Cali

Paul had a great time in California visiting grandparents, aunts, an uncle, and other interested friends and acquaintances. Here are some pictures.

Paul cheesin' it while preparing to pack

All packed

Paul and Mommy in the Las Vegas airport

Paul receiving his new Clippety Clop Pony

Playing with Andrew

Paul with Uncle J and the newest aunt, Joanne
They live in Oakland and stopped by for a visit
on their way to Reno.

"Cool. They have a dishwasher too!"

Aunt Laura's artistic abilities are hard to hide.

Paul got his own seat on the last plane ride of the trip.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sooo big!

All right, I know he hasn't quite got it down yet, but it's still cute to watch.

I LOVE this video!

Okay, you've heard the expression "all boy." Please note the truck sounds he makes near the end.

The joys of learning to walk. Remember these days, Aunt Kendra?

Monday, May 12, 2008

National Train Day

May 10 was National Train Day. You didn't know that, did you? Not many people did. I'm pretty sure it was the first ever National Train Day in history, but when you're Amtrak, I guess you get to declare national holidays whenever you want. Being Saturday, lots of folks were off work for the occasion. The banks were closed (in the afternoon), and most of downtown Raleigh was completely shut down. . . unless it's always like that.

Anyway, we had a good time riding a train from Charlotte to Raleigh and back on NTD. We arrived in Charlotte Friday evening to discover that Grandmother had provided Paul with, in addition to train tickets, a train outfit, train hat, train Jibbetts (hadn't heard of them, but apparently they're all the rage for decorating Crocs), a train toy, and train animal cookies. Then she tried to convince us that Granddad was the most excited of anyone to take this train ride. I'll let you decide. Granddad was the one who bought the toy whistle in the train station.

When we arrived in Raleigh, not having a car seat, we set off on a scenic walk to Pullen Park for a family picnic with Grandmother and Big Mac, two of Jon's dad's brothers, an aunt, several cousins and two other baby (2 years, 6 months) cousins once removed. We had fun there eating chicken and riding the little train ride. (Interesting side note: we have very similar train ride pictures of Jon, me, Laura, and Kendra taken the day after Jon and I were engaged.)

Here are the pictures.

Random picture of Paul the morning before we left for Charlotte

Us on the train

Paul and the Gparents on the train

The Jibbetts®

The whistle, sticker, and hat

The Andy Griffith statue

Train ride with Grandmother

Happy belated National Train Day.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Graduation Day

Look what Daddy got.

4 Happy Crockers and Paul

The aunts

Jon and Brent

Jon and the Doc

Jon and Eric

Spanish connection

More Spanish connection
(Wesley, Jon, Mathias Espinel, John Mark Steel)

Us and the Steels

Jon and Wesley

The tassel: Paul's favorite part of graduation

Smile, Paul!


Congratulations, Daddy!