Thursday, February 21, 2008

Getting into Mischief

Special thanks to Aunt Julie for her comment. Here are some post-haircut pictures of Paul. He's an adventuresome little chap. He's discovering a whole new world of things he has to stand up to experience. The top of the coffee table, for example, used to hold such treasures. Why Mommy moved the picture frames to the top shelf of the book case is a hard one for Paul to figure out. And now for the pictures.

Paul's a crawler, alright!

He's still fascinated by books.

"Like my toys?"

(Paul LOVES the truck from this set. I haven't taken the three other cars out of the box yet--mostly because it's so cute to watch him crawl excitedly over to the box like "Oh boy! More cars!")

Paul very much appreciates the advantages of being able to stand up to play.

And he enjoyed his carrots.

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