Monday, August 10, 2009

Taxi Ride!

Two-Year-Old Paul

Birthday cake beater

Cheri helped

Okay, what's it supposed to be?

Cheesin' before cake

Paul and Matthew

If you wonder if a 2-year-old would really want a trip to a tower to see a city landscape at night, you don't know our 2-year-old.

Life Here

This is where we live

A ladder salesman
(I wish you could see how busy the street was.)

Chillin' with Daddy

Here's Paul balancing on our water jug

That's hail

Paul learning to do the dishes

Ready to race

Aunt Laura's Graduation

Trip to Cali

Here are some pictures of the April trip to California. (This is basically all we took. We're pretty much camera-forgetting bums.)
The park with Tia Teen

The zoo

McDonalds after the zoo