Friday, November 27, 2009

Pilgrim Video

Sorry it's sideways, but I thought you'd like this.


Paul the Pilgrim

I was happy with the hat.

The two Pilgrims for the day

The Indian Village

Paul with one of the (snuggly) Indians

The Pilgrims and Indians were getting along well this Thanksgiving.

Not the greatest picture, but let's play "Spot Aunt Pam."

Paul's Owl

Paul goes, "Look at my owl!"

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Paul's Language Development

Lately Paul has taken to yelling as we go under bridges or overpasses or through tunnels. He did it on the way to the zoo with his Spanish-speaking friends who, of course, referred to the bridge by its Spanish name "puente."
So, we're driving to the Bible study Sunday night, and as we passed under a bridge, Paul yelled. Then he said, "That was a fun-tey."
"Yeah. It was a puente, Paul." I said, trying to implement what all the child experts say is the best way to correct an error in juvenile nomenclature.
Paul responded with an enthusiastic, "Good job, Mommy!"

Monday, August 10, 2009

Taxi Ride!

Two-Year-Old Paul

Birthday cake beater

Cheri helped

Okay, what's it supposed to be?

Cheesin' before cake

Paul and Matthew

If you wonder if a 2-year-old would really want a trip to a tower to see a city landscape at night, you don't know our 2-year-old.

Life Here

This is where we live

A ladder salesman
(I wish you could see how busy the street was.)

Chillin' with Daddy

Here's Paul balancing on our water jug

That's hail

Paul learning to do the dishes

Ready to race

Aunt Laura's Graduation

Trip to Cali

Here are some pictures of the April trip to California. (This is basically all we took. We're pretty much camera-forgetting bums.)
The park with Tia Teen

The zoo

McDonalds after the zoo

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Bob the Builder

When we locate our camera (I think I know where it is), we'll put some pictures up, but here's a story in the meantime.

So Paul has this puzzle with wooden tools for puzzle pieces. The other day he took the hammer and started banging our wooden wall. "Paul," inquires his father, "what are you doing?"

Paul's response: "Buildin' a sand castle."

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Deja Vu

Where have I seen this before? 

By the way. There's no entry fee on the game below. Feel free to submit as many guesses as you like.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Blog Game

Okay, who posed for a photo shoot for a Rice Krispies box? 

This game is for my friends and family in Cali. This guy looks just like someone we all know and love. I had no idea he worked for Disney or Rice Krispies. But you'll all get it right. Leave a comment with your best guess.

Developing Strong Opinions

Especially when it comes to his cow boots.

But isn't he cute?

Monday, March 9, 2009

Paul's Literary Pursuits

Pablo Picasso

"Mommy's Van" by Mommy

"Mommy's Beahm" by Paul

Please note the portrait of Paul in the corner. Daddy drew that.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Paul thinks bowling is cool. (Get it?)

Hall Ball

Here's a little clip for you sports fanatics out there. Up-and-coming fresh(really fresh)man Paul Crocker has fairly mastered the game of Hall Ball. I think he's got a bright future ahead of him. It's possible that he may even influence his peers to rethink the '80s shorts. It really works for him anyway. And now, the clip. Then back to you in the studio.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

You know it's naptime when--

You look up from the cookbook you are scrutinizing for some guidance on how to separate a chicken's leg from its thigh and notice your kid is no longer as interested in his tuna sandwich as he is in the backs of his eyelids.

Here's Paul . . .

. . . trying out for the cover of the Baby Gap catalog or something.