Thursday, January 17, 2008

Well, today's headline is the snow. Paul wasn't exactly dying to frolic and romp in it like the Bob Jones students, but he tolerated it well, and it certainly inspired curiosity. He, like his parents, was glad Daddy could be here to enjoy it since the bank decided to open an hour later due to the inclement weather.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Sneaky Paul

Okay, this all took place on the same day on three separate occasions. Paul would be playing happily on the floor on a blanket, and I'd be loading the dishwasher or something, and I'd come in to find him ignoring all his cool toys in favor of (respectively) his own cave, a burkha, or a mini canyon. This was the day I realized that he will no longer confine himself to a blanket and have hereafter opted for the rug--to which he, incidentally, will not long be confined either.

Life with Paul

Paul is really enjoying being home with Mommy all the time. At least, I'm sure he must be; Mommy is sure loving it. Crawling is in sight. Paul will not remain on the floor long without popping up on his hands and knees. Then he'll rock back and forth like, "There's got to be more to it than this." If he sees something he wants, he gets to it somehow though. For example, if a toy (especially his truck) is in front of him but out of reach, he'll pop up, stare at it, rock, lunge forward, land on his tummy, and wave his arms and legs around as if to say, "Hmm. Seems like this should work." He'll catch on.

Now for the pictures.

Paul before our walk to the duck pond. Turns out it was like 65 degrees, so he was a tad overdressed. But don't you love the hat?

My friend from college, Carolyn Jones, was in town for Christmas. We had the same Thursday class schedule our first semester, we both changed our majors from church music to speech, we traveled on drama teams 2 consecutive semesters, we were engaged the same summer, she got married the month after I did, and her due date for Samantha was 4 days after Paul's. Here's Paul trying to instruct Samantha that pictures are serious matters, not to joke around about.

Here's Paul in his sweats with the remote.

Paul learning the fine art of rough-housing on the floor with Daddy.

Paul's early crawling attempts.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Christmas Pictures

Papa and Haddon

Christmas with Jeffcotts

Where's Paul?

"I'm getting into the Christmas thing."

Christmas with the Crockers